Am I getting any better? - te symptoms of strep throat
I was swine flu about a month ago, recovered from that and then developed other symptoms, such as streptococci were. Strep test is negative, then you have blood tests and it seems that I have mono. It was a week since I was diagnosed and took steroids to relieve the pain. Now I have almost no pain, throat () and with only half of what the doctor prescribes. I had terrible pockets of pus on the tonsils, and now they are gone. I feel better. Only Icky drops of mucus in the throat, really chapped lips and coughing. My lymph nodes / glands are more or less swollen. My only concern is my spleen. I want to achieve for 31 new year. Will I be okay? I've heard it takes a while until the swelling of the spleen in the fall. But I WANT to know if I am not going to be contagious, and when my record is good enough for me to put my portfolio. (I am "FTM and forcing my chest ..) Thank you for your help.
1 comment:
I'm not sure, but it should be activated vitamin D, because the pig has the flu.
In general, you should be 2000 IU vitamin D3 daily, especially in winter, with no natural light, which means less production of vitamin D in the skin. It is the sunshine vitamin, after all. If you are still sick, taking 5000IU of D3 (not D2) until you get better and then in 2000 IE
In winter, people are vitamin D deficiency that causes the flu, colds and other respiratory illnesses. their cells of the immune system needs vitamin D to produce to the skin from UV light. otherwise, which reduces the immune system, you have the symptoms of colds and flu. This increases the opportunities for all types of cancer, particularly breast cancer in women.
There are even reports of hospitalwhere outbreaks of H1N1, but groups of patients were vitamin D is not infected. This follows previous evidence that preventing high level of vitamin D diseases of the respiratory tract.
Doctors treat the disease but are often surprisingly ignorant or negligent health of patients. You will not be surprised if your doctor does not contain vitamin D. You can ask your vitamin D levels checked with 25-hydroxy vitamin D. You need at least 50ng/ml.
Vitamin D3 costs 10cent one days
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